The Apache Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container

Apache Tomcat 6.0

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Apache Tomcat 6.0


Tomcat 6.0.13 (remm)
fix More accurate available() method. (remm)
fix Add recycle check in the event object, since it is a facade like the others. (remm)
fix When processing a read event, enforce that the servlet consumes all available bytes. (remm)
update Add a flag in ContainerBase which could be used in embedded scenarios to avoid a double start of contexts (this problem generally occurs when adding contexts to a started host). (remm)
fix 42309: Ability to create a connector using a custom protocol specification for embedded. (fhanik)
fix Add SSL engine flag to AprLifecycleListener. (fhanik)
fix Improve event processing, so that an END event is generated when encountering EOF, and an ERROR is always generated on client disconnects. (remm)
fix Add declarations for the new XSD files. (remm)
fix Add heartbeatBackgroundEnabled flag to SimpleTcpCluster. Enable this flag don't forget to disable the channel heartbeat thread (pero)
fix Possible memory leak when using comet, caused by adding the socket to the poller before cleaning up the connection tracking structure. (remm)
fix 42308: nextRequest recycles the request, which caused issues with statistics. (remm)
fix Fix non recycled comet flag in the APR connector. (remm)
fix Add heartbeatBackgroundEnabled flag to SimpleTcpCluster. Enable this flag don't forget to disable the channel heartbeat thread (pero)
fix Method name cleanup. (fhanik)
fix Some examples webapp fixes. Submitted by Frank McCown. (remm)
Tomcat 6.0.12 (remm)
fix License source headers. Submitted by Niall Pemberton. (remm)
fix 42039 Log a stack trace if a servlet throws an UnavailableException. Patch provided by Kawasima Kazuh. (markt)
fix 41990 Add some additional mime-type mappings. (markt)
fix 41655 Fix message translations. Japanese translations provided by Suzuki Yuichiro. (markt)
add Add enabled attribute to AccessLogValve (pero)
fix 42085: Avoid adding handlers for the root logger twice when they are explicitly specified. (remm)
fix Reduce thread local manipulation in the request dispatcher. Submitted by Arvind Srinivasan. (remm)
fix Avoid keeping references to loggers tied to the webapp classloaders after a reload in a couple more places. (remm)
fix 42202: Fix container parsing of TLDs in webapps when Tomcat is installed in a URL encodable path. (remm)
fix 42119 Fix return value for request.getCharacterEncoding() when Content-Type headers contain parameters other than charset. Patch by Leigh L Klotz Jr. (markt)
update Move away from using a thread local processor for the APR and connectors, as this does not work well when using an executor. (remm)
fix Remove Comet timeout hack in the APR connector. Comet connections will now use the regular timeout or the keepalive timeout if specified. (remm)
fix 42025: Update valve documentation to refer to correct regular expression implementation. (markt)
fix Fix various paths in the manager webapps (remm)
add Session viewer and editor for the HTML manager. Submitted by Cédrik Lime. (remm)
add Session handling tools for the manager. Submitted by Rainer Jung. (remm)
fix 41869 TagData.getAttribute() should return TagData.REQUEST_TIME_VALUE when the attribute value is an EL expression. (markt)
fix 42071 Fix IllegalStateException on multiple requests to an unavailable JSP. Patch provided by Kawasima Kazuh. (markt)
fix After a JSP throws an UnavailableException allow it to be accessed once the unavailable period has expired. (markt)
fix Add toString method to better logging session replication message at tribes MESSAGES (pero)
Tomcat 6.0.11 (remm)
update Update DBCP to 1.2.2, pool to 1.3, JDT to 3.2.2 and remove collections build dependency (pero, remm)
fix Don't log pattern subtoken at ExtendedAccesLogValve (pero)
fix Add some missing JMX attributes for new AccessLogValve (pero)
fix 41786 Incorrect reference to catalina_home in Patch provided by Mike Hanafey (fhanik)
fix 41703 SingleSignOnMessage invalid setter, patch provided by Nils Hammar (fhanik)
fix 41682 ClassCastException when logging is turned on (fhanik)
fix 41530 Don't log error messages when connector is stopped (fhanik)
fix 41166 Invalid handling when using replicated context (fhanik)
add Added SENDFILE support for the NIO connector. (fhanik)
add Added support for shared thread pools by adding in the <Executor> element as a nested element to the <Service> element. (fhanik)
fix 41666 Correct handling of boundary conditions for If-Unmodified-Since and If-Modified-Since headers. Patch provided by Suzuki Yuichiro. (markt)
fix 41739 Correct handling of servlets with a load-on-startup value of zero. These are now the first servlets to be started. (markt)
fix 41747 Correct example ant script for deploy task. (markt)
fix 41752 Correct error message on exception in MemoryRealm. (markt)
update 39883 Add documentation warning about using antiResourceLocking on a webapp outside the Host's appBase. (yoavs)
fix 40150 Ensure user and roll classnames are validated on startup. Patch by Tom. (yoavs)
update Refactor extend access log valve using the optimized access log valve. Submitted by Takayuki Kaneko. (remm)
fix Possible deadlock in classloading when defining packages. (remm)
fix Remove excessive syncing from listener support. (remm)
add Web services support. The actual factory implementations are implemented in the extras. Submitted by Fabien Carrion. (remm)
update Add logging to display APR capabilities on the platform. (remm)
fix Expose executors in JMX. (remm)
fix CRLF inside a URL pattern is always invalid. (remm)
fix Tweak startup time display. (remm)
fix Adjustments to handling exceptions with Comet. (remm)
fix If the event is closed asynchronously, generate an end event for cleanup on the next event. (remm)
fix Cleanup hello webapp from the docs and fix a XSS issue in the JSP. (remm)
fix Examples webapp cleanup. Submitted by Takayuki Kaneko and Markus Schönhaber. (remm)
fix 41289: Create configBase, since it is no longer created elsewhere. Submitted by Shiva Kumar H R. (remm)
update Fixed NIO memory leak caused by the NioChannel cache not working properly.
update Added flag to enable/disable the usage of the pollers selector instead of a Selector pool when the serviet is reading/writing from the input/output streams The flag is
fix Requests with multiple content-length headers are now rejected. (markt)
add 41675 Add a couple of DEBUG-level logging statements to Http11Processors when sending error responses. Patch by Ralf Hauser. (yoavs)
fix Reuse digester used by the modeler. (remm)
update When the platform does not support deferred accept, put accepted sockets in the poller. (remm)
fix Fix problem with blocking reads for keepalive when using an executor (the number of busy threads is always 0). (remm)
update The poller now has good performance, so remove firstReadTimeout. (remm)
fix 42119 Fix return value for request.getCharacterEncoding() when Content-Type headers contain parameters other than charset. Patch by Leigh L Klotz Jr. (markt)
fix Fix previous update to servlet 2.5 xsd to use correct declaration. (markt)
update Update host configuration document for new behaviour for directories in appBase. (markt)
update 39540 Add link to httpd 2.2 mod_proxy_ajp docs in AJP connector doc. (yoavs)
fix 41227 Add a bit of DEBUG-level logging to JspC so users know which file is being compiled. (yoavs)
update Remove some dead utility code, and refactor stream capture as part of the Ant compiler. (remm)
fix Support the trim directive of JSP 2.1 as an equivalent of Jasper's own parameter. (remm)
fix 41790: Close file stream used to read the Java source. (remm)
fix Fix reporting of errors which do not correspond to a portion of the JSP source. (remm)
fix Remove try/catch usage for annotation processing in classic tags. The usage of the log method might have been questionable as well. (remm)
fix Cleanup of the message that is displayed for compilation errors. (remm)
fix Skip BOM when reading a JSP file. (remm)
Tomcat 6.0.10 (remm)
update Unify usage of security manager flag, submitted by Arvind Srinivasan. (remm)
fix Fix formatting of CGI variable SCRIPT_NAME. (markt)
fix 41521: Support * for servlet-name, submitted by Paul McMahan. (remm)
update Cache getServletContext value, submitted by Arvind Srinivasan. (remm)
fix Add options for handling special URL characters in paths, and disallow '\' and encoded '/' due to possible differences in behavior between Tomcat and a front end webserver. (remm)
fix Fix bad comparison for FORM processing, submitted by Anil Saldhana. (remm)
fix 41608 Make log levels consistent when Servlet.service() throws an exception. (markt)
fix Reduce usage of MessageBytes.getLength(), submitted by Arvind Srinivasan. (remm)
fix 41558: Don't call synced method on every request, submitted by Arvind Srinivasan. (remm)
fix Switch to a thread local page context pool. (remm)
Tomcat 6.0.9 (remm)
fix Use 2.5 xsd in Tomcat webapps. (markt)
fix Compression filter improvements, submitted by Eric Hedström. (markt)
fix Properly return connector names. (remm)
fix Remove logging of the XML validation flag. (remm)
fix Correct error messages for context.xml. (markt)
fix 41217: Set secure flag correctly on SSO cookie, submitted by Chris Halstead. (markt)
fix 40524: request.getAuthType() now returns CLIENT_CERT rather than CLIENT-CERT. (markt)
fix 40526: Return support for JPDA_OPTS to catalina.bat and add a new option JPDA_SUSPEND, submitted by by Kurt Roy. (markt)
fix 41265: In embedded, remove the code that resets checkInterval values of zero to 300. (markt)
fix 37869: Fix getting client certificate, submitted by Christophe Pierret. (remm)
fix 40960: Throw a timeout exception when getting a timeout rather than a generic IOE, submitted by Christophe Pierret. (remm)
fix EL validation fixes for attributes. (remm)
fix 41327: Show full URI for a 404. (markt)
fix JspException now uses getCause() as the result for getRootCause(). (markt)
fix 41466: When using the NioChannel and SecureNioChannel its important to use the channels buffers. (fhanik)
Tomcat 6.0.8 (remm)
fix Make provided instances of RequestDispatcher thread safe. (markt)
add Optional development oriented loader implementation. (funkman)
add Optimized access log valve, submitted by Takayuki Kaneko. (remm)
fix Fix error messages when parsing context.xml that incorrectly referred to web.xml. (markt)
fix 41217: Set secure attribute on SSO cookie when cookie is created during a secure request. Patch provided by Chris Halstead. (markt)
fix 40524: HttpServletRequest.getAuthType() now returns CLIENT_CERT rather than CLIENT-CERT for certificate authentication as per the spec. Note that web.xml continues to use CLIENT-CERT to specify the certificate authentication should be used. (markt)
fix 41401: Add support for JPDA_OPTS to catalina.bat and add a JPDA_SUSPEND environment variable to both startup scripts. Patch provided by Kurt Roy. (markt)
fix Use the tomcat-native-1.1.10 as recommended version. OpenSSL detection on some platforms was broken 1.1.8 will continue to work, although on some platforms there can be JVM crash if IPV6 is enabled and platform doesn't support IPV4 mapped addresses on IPV6 sockets.
fix When displaying JSP source after an exception, handle included files. (markt)
fix Display the JSP source when a compilation error occurs and display the correct line number rather than start of a scriptlet block. (markt)
fix Fix NPE when processing dynamic attributes. (remm)
fix More accurate EL usage validation. (remm)
fix Fix regression for implicit taglib and page data version numbers. (remm)
fix 41265: Allow JspServlet checkInterval init parameter to be explicitly set to the stated default value of zero by removing the code that resets it to 300 if explicitly specified as zero. (markt)
fix 41327: Show full URI for a 404. Patch provided by Vijay. (markt)
docs Add a virtual hosting how-to contributed by Hassan Schroeder. (markt)
update Update all webapps to use the servlet 2.5 xsd. (markt)
fix 39572: Improvements to CompressionFilter example provided by Eric Hedström. (markt)
Tomcat 6.0.7 (remm)
fix Fix installer's bitmap (mturk)
fix Refactor logging of errors which may occur when reading a post body (remm)
fix 37869: Also use the SSL_INFO_CLIENT_CERT field if the chain is empty, submitted by Grzegorz Grzybek (remm)
Tomcat 6.0.6 (remm)
fix Fix tagging which did not include 6.0.5's changelog (remm)
Tomcat 6.0.5 (remm)
fix 40585: Fix parameterised constructor for o.a.juli.FileHandler so parameters have an effect. (markt)
fix Escape invalid characters from request.getLocale. (markt, remm)
update Update required version for native to 1.1.8. (remm)
fix Do not log broken pipe errors which can occur when flushing the content of an error page. (remm)
fix Fix firstReadTimeout behavior for the AJP connector. (remm)
fix 41057: Make jsp:plugin output XHTML compliant. (markt)
update Cluster interface cleanup. (fhanik)
update Refactoring to allow usage of executors. (fhanik)
Tomcat 6.0.4 (remm)
update Update to NSIS 2.22 (remm)
fix Fix regression in 6.0.3 with Windows wrapper (mturk)
Tomcat 6.0.3 (remm)
fix 37509: Do not remove whitespace from the end of values defined in files. (markt)
fix 38198: Add reference to Context documentation from Host documentation that explains how Context name is obtained from the Context filename. (markt)
fix 40844 Missing syncs in JDBCRealm. (markt)
fix 40901: Encode directory listing output. Based on a patch provided by Chris Halstead. (markt)
fix 40929: Correct JavaDoc for StandardClassLoader. (markt)
fix 41008: Allow POST to be used for indexed queries with CGI Servlet. Patch provided by Chris Halstead. (markt)
fix Fix usage of print on the servlet output stream if the processor never used a writer (fhanik)
fix Fix logic of sameSameObjects used to determine correct wrapping of request and response objects (fhanik)
fix Update TLD scan lists, and disable caching for now (remm)
update Add system property to WebappClassLoader to allow disabling setting references to null when stopping it (remm)
add Add clustered SSO code, submitted by Fabien Carrion (remm)
fix 40860: Log exceptions and other problems during parameter processing. (markt)
update Enable JMX for trust store attributes for SSL connector. (markt)
update Port memory usage reduction changes to the HTTP connector. (remm)
fix MessageBytes.setString(null) will remove the String value. (remm)
fix 41057: Caching large strings is not useful and takes too much memory, so don't cache these (remm)
update Add keepAliveTimeout attribute to most connectors (mturk, remm)
fix Relax EL type validation for litterals. (remm)
fix Update some version numbers to 2.1. (funkman, remm)
fix Add xsds for JSP 2.1 (remm)
fix 41106: Update validation checks for EL to also include legacy 1.2 tags (remm)
fix 40677: Update SSL documentation to indicate that PKCS11 keystores may be used. (markt)
Tomcat 6.0.2 (remm)
fix Various tweaks to distribution (remm, funkman)
update Update Tomcat native to 1.1.7 (mturk)
update Update to JDT 3.2.1 (remm)
fix Fix EJB annotation interface (remm)
fix Fix passing of the keystore password for the NIO connector (fhanik)
Tomcat 6.0.1 (remm)
fix 37439, 40823: Documentation cleanup (markt)
update Refactor exception processing using Throwable.getCause to improve exception chaining (remm)
add Remove dead code involving the Logger (funkman)
fix 37458: Fix some exceptions which could happen during classloading (markt)
fix 40817: Fix CGI path (markt)
fix 34956: Add the possibility to enforce usage of request and response wrapper objects (markt)
update Many fixes for JSP 2.1 compliance, invloving tag files handling, deferred expressions validation, bom encoding support (remm)
update Many HTTP NIO connector fixes and refactorings (fhanik)
update HTTP NIO connector performance improvements (fhanik)
update Add packetSize option for the classic AJP connector (jfclere)
update Implement explicit flushing in AJP (mturk)
Tomcat 6.0.0 (remm)
add SSLEngine attribute added to the AprLifecycleListener(fhanik)
add Add API for Comet IO handling (remm, fhanik)
add Servlet 2.5 support (remm)
add JSP 2.1 support (jhook, remm)
add Unifed EL 2.1 support (jhook)
add SSLEnabled attribute required for SSL to be turned on, on all HTTP connectors (fhanik)
update Memory usage reduction for the HTTP connectors, except (remm)
update Modeler update to use dynamic mbeans rather than model mbeans, which consume more resources (costin)
add New cluster configuration and new documentation (fhanik)

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